Juice and Joy

Monday, September 3, 2007

Go Team Cop-a-Fila!

Last year, I ran my heart out in the Fila Relays. It was hot and dusty, and I struggled and hated it. During the run, I knew I was slowing down (went out way too fast). I didn't care at the time, but as usual, after the race and once I'm feeling fine, I start kicking myself for going so slow, or better yet, not going faster.

This year I really did try to find a team, but then I went on vacation. When I got back, everyone was matched up. I did a half-hearted attempt to find a team all the way up to race day. At that point, I just planned to run along side Sarah since I talked her a.) into joining Gazelles and b.) into running the relays.

It was such an enjoyable experience this year. The weather was much better, and I was going to run Sarah's pace. I thoroughly enjoyed running with her, and it was refreshing to enjoy a road race (I don't usually enjoy road races).

David ran blazing fast...a 13:52. Yowzers. Elijah and Joshua were sweet angels patiently waiting for us. They both finally were rewarded with food and a seat to watch the band right as that crazy storm was about to hit. We high-tailed it outta there much to Joshua's chagrin (he was really into the guitar playing). I looked for Sara, Yvette, or Gayatri to say farewell, but I had no luck as it was quite chaotic as people fled to their cars.

We got to the van, and I saw Gayatri on the course just past the 1-mile marker. I ran over to her and offered to run the rest of the way with her. I would have if I hadn't just eaten a plate of food and if she hadn't assured me that she would be fine (the rain was about to start). She is so awesome. She finished her race in the pouring rain. Go Gayatri! And her teammates waited for her to finish...in the pouring rain! Go Team Cop-a-Fila!

Saturday morning, I headed down to Runtex with Elijah, Joshua, and their bikes in tow. Gayatri's back was hurting, so she bowed out. I found Minnie waiting though, and we found an exhausted David after his 17 mile run. Minnie, the boys, and I took off for an easy jaunt around the 4-mile loop and left David to recover.

I'm so proud of my boys. It's not easy riding your bike on such a crowded trail, up and down little hills. They did well. The first 2 miles were fairly slow thanks to the hills and a man knocking Joshua over (the man was not watching at all and just walked right over Joshua as Joshua turned right off the 1-mile marker bridge). Fortunately, Joshua is a tough kid, but it shook him up fairly bad. He didn't want to ride anymore, but he did.

At the Mopac water stop, Minnie headed off alone to be on time to her meeting. The boys did amazing the 2nd half. They were 100-200 meters in front of me, and they never had any struggles. I felt good running. Not sure what pace I was going, but our 2nd half was at least 10 minutes faster than the first half (there was a long stop after Joshua's crash in that first half).

Sarah and I decided not to do the Burnet Tri. We just haven't trained for it. I don't really know how I trained for triathlons last year. I was just as busy then. I'm a little sad knowing that I won't have done a single triathlon this year, and what is slightly pathetic is that I had hopes of doing the triathlon series this summer.

I think I'm just tired of dragging my kids around for work outs. Tired of finding chunks of time to bike long enough and run long enough and swim long enough. It's a workout just to get in the workout, and this summer, I was happy just going to running class. David has also been running all the time these past several months. It's not easy finding time for two parents to train every single day for the amount of time you need/want to train. I'm the one that stepped aside. I'm the one that let David have the time he needs/wants to train for his marathon. He is motivated, he is ready, he is loving training. I can't say those things at all about myself.

I can say though that "I am having fun!"

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