Swimming Boys
Check out a couple of short videos of the boys swimming (and Joshua jumping) at Granmom’s house. Find them on our video page. From our digital camera, so no audio, but still great fun.
Check out a couple of short videos of the boys swimming (and Joshua jumping) at Granmom’s house. Find them on our video page. From our digital camera, so no audio, but still great fun.
We went fishing with the Salyers last week. Elijah caught this huge catfish. Joshua caught a few fish, too. Click here for more fishing pictures.
See the video
See the playbill
The Birth of Jesus
Written by Lindsay and Elijah
Edited by Jessica
One day Mary woke up when she saw a light shining through her window. Angels came in and said, “You will have a baby. His name will be Jesus.” Mary was so happy and so surprised to be blessed among all women…..
So for Christmas we got Joshua a 4-pack of computer games called “Fun for Boys.” Inside, was a game called Hot Wheels Velocity X. Let’s just say this game has taken over our lives.
We’ve been busy.
Added a couple of new photo galleries:
To Build a Treehouse
Backyard Baseball
And video of Joshua’s last tee-ball game:
Joshua Tee-Ball