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Easter '04
Added some pictures of an Easter Egg hunt.
I’ve also been thinking about our boys’ future…
First Day of School
Been busy. We are late getting this photo up, but here it is. Aug 27, 2007. First day of school. Joshua’s first day of kindergarten. Elijah’s first day of 2nd grade. Got part of the California pictures up – Disneyland and the drive/first days. Coming soon will be surfing pictures.

Mama Mea: The Cartoon
Joshua likes cartooning. He often comes home from school with new creations. His latest creations concern a squirrel who witnesses rather violent, random accidents and exclaims, “ma ma mea”. We think they’re pretty funny, and at least he is learning something at school. Until I can get the originals online, I tried to re-create his…
We’ve been busy.
Added a couple of new photo galleries:
To Build a Treehouse
Backyard Baseball
And video of Joshua’s last tee-ball game:
Joshua Tee-Ball