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Check out the newly posted pictures of me as a child, compare them to the boys at the same age, and let us know if you see any similarities.
Hall Ranch Day Hike Near Boulder
It’s always great to get outside, and we’re sincerely grateful to have lovely places like Hall Ranch near Boulder, and the freedom and opportunity to enjoy them. That said, there’s nothing calling us back to the trails of Hall Ranch after our perfectly pleasant Sunday outing. Still great weather for the first of November. Relatively…
Long time, no update
We’ve been busy. Boys are growing up. Our digital camera broke.
One quick story…
Somehow Elijah asked me what I did at work and I said, "I sit in front of the silly computer all day making websites."
He got a bright look in his eye. "You make webs?!" he said. "Did you make Google?!"
Oh man, if only….
We’ve been busy.
Added a couple of new photo galleries:
To Build a Treehouse
Backyard Baseball
And video of Joshua’s last tee-ball game:
Joshua Tee-Ball