Haiku for the day
Cool spring morning rush
Ebullient boys on the stairs
Regret fills my heart
Cool spring morning rush
Ebullient boys on the stairs
Regret fills my heart
The World is Too Much with Us by William Wordsworth The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon, The…
Aye! essay writing services There’s only two more weeks until school starts. My summer has flitted by with packing and unpacking, driving and waiting, sorting and cleaning, swimming and biking, and more packing and unpacking. Start of summer seems so long ago, but I haven’t much to show for the time. Perhaps I’m too hard…
I was reminded yesterday why I started this blog over a year ago, and that was to represent moms in Gazelle class (or really any mom trying to train for an event or just exercise). I remember tiring of the posts that listed detailed split times and hours spent training. I remember thinking, do these…
I never win anything, and technically, I still didn’t win anything. I nominated Elijah’s teacher, Michael Massad, for Mix 94.7 & Whataburger’s “Austin’s Favorite Teacher” contest. Well, he won! They picked my nomination. I was giddy because Mr. Massad deserves this award. I wish I had my nomination letter to post. More Photos (you’ll have…
Sunday, March 22 – 50 mile ride to San Marcos with Sarah, Dianne & Michelle. There were some very slow-going spots due to a combo of wind and inclines. We finally got to San Marcos about 45 minutes later than planned. Dianne’s hubby Marc was waiting with their son, Alex. http://blog.myskin.com/shop/online-pharmacy-celebrex/ See, I’m not the…
It’s the last day of National Poetry Month, and the wind has been howling here in Boulder for three days. It’s been an obnoxious wind making me wonder if it’s worth it to live here. In honor of the wind and National Poetry Month, I’ll share a draft of a poem I wrote on a…