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Pearl Street Holiday Lights
Since the Brazilians visited, the family has been extra motivated to “vlog”, to create and share our life through video (hopefully resulting in massive wealth and Youtube stardom). So the other night, after watching the somewhat disappointing Star Wars, we took a stroll down Pearl Street in Boulder, taking in the holiday lights and festive…

Sandstone Ranch Fishing Report
A quick note about fishing at Sandstone Ranch. Recently I was talking to the guy behind the counter at Longmont Indoor Soccer when he mentioned he caught a nice pound or so bass at Sandstone Ranch. He even whipped out a picture on his phone. Since Josh practices and plays his home soccer games at…

South Platte River Trail
The South Platte River Trail is a 17-mile long paved trail along the South Platte River, running from Thornton, northeast of Denver, through metro Denver, and into Lakewood, southwest of Denver. Jessica, Josh and I visited the Thornton portion of the trail on Saturday, March 7th, 2015 in search of a duck, namely a Barrow’s Goldeneye. Platte…
Sawhill Ponds Fishing Report
I caught a fish at Sawhill Ponds last weekend. The weather was cold and dreary, the ponds were deserted. The lure was a tiny crankbait. I think the fish is a black Crappie (see picture below). What do you think? Care to share…TwitterFacebookEmail

Viele Lake Fishing Report
Today’s fishing at Viele Lake was a picture-perfect day, but absolutely no fish anywhere to be seen or caught. I usually at least see some sunfish or the occasional bass swimming by, but today was completely dead. There was one other fisherman out, and we were both bank fishing with lightweight spinning rods. Small non-motorized…
Elijah emails his friends and Kealing teachers
Hello! I wanted to let everyone know how I have been. Right now in Boulder, it is snowing and about 15 degrees. At my school, we recently entered the world record for largest performed cell mitosis. In French, we have been working on clothes, and have recently started working on activities and vacation time. In…