David Goes Snowboarding
Like it says, DV went snowboarding this time, and you get another janky video. Check out the awesomeness on Knob, David’s website.
Or if you can’t wait, just behold the brilliance below:
Like it says, DV went snowboarding this time, and you get another janky video. Check out the awesomeness on Knob, David’s website.
Or if you can’t wait, just behold the brilliance below:
A quick note about fishing at Sandstone Ranch. Recently I was talking to the guy behind the counter at Longmont Indoor Soccer when he mentioned he caught a nice pound or so bass at Sandstone Ranch. He even whipped out a picture on his phone. Since Josh practices and plays his home soccer games at…
Try out the lamest Java Applet in history.
How is that for a blog entry title? A few weeks ago our realtor mentioned that he caught several nice two-pound bass at Sawhill Ponds on weightless, Texas-rig plastic worms. Pictures and everything, but I was incredulous … first because I couldn’t believe there were bass that big in Sawhill Ponds, and second because I…