10th Anniversary
Today is our 10th anniversary. Happy Day for Familyvance!

Today is our 10th anniversary. Happy Day for Familyvance!
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Saturday, March 28 – Rosedale Ride Marc & Dianne were already planning to do 40. Sarah and I had dropped down from 63 to 40 after realizing we are very busy moms with other things going on that day that we not only had to do but also wanted to do. 40 is nothing to…
Sunday, March 22 – 50 mile ride to San Marcos with Sarah, Dianne & Michelle. There were some very slow-going spots due to a combo of wind and inclines. We finally got to San Marcos about 45 minutes later than planned. Dianne’s hubby Marc was waiting with their son, Alex. http://blog.myskin.com/shop/online-pharmacy-celebrex/ See, I’m not the…