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Just Because Too
I’m running a little bit more now. Maybe 3M. Maybe not. Care to share…TwitterFacebookEmail
The Boys’ New Obsession
So for Christmas we got Joshua a 4-pack of computer games called “Fun for Boys.” Inside, was a game called Hot Wheels Velocity X. Let’s just say this game has taken over our lives.
Happy Halloween!
Joshua as John Chisum, and Elijah as Harry Potter.
First Day of School
Been busy. We are late getting this photo up, but here it is. Aug 27, 2007. First day of school. Joshua’s first day of kindergarten. Elijah’s first day of 2nd grade. Got part of the California pictures up – Disneyland and the drive/first days. Coming soon will be surfing pictures.
Pearl Street Holiday Lights
Since the Brazilians visited, the family has been extra motivated to “vlog”, to create and share our life through video (hopefully resulting in massive wealth and Youtube stardom). So the other night, after watching the somewhat disappointing Star Wars, we took a stroll down Pearl Street in Boulder, taking in the holiday lights and festive…
Back to School
Sunday morning, summer’s end.Monday morning, school begins.Last day for carefree wisps of fun. Sunday evening,Stomach tightens, anticipating.A weekly ritual begun. Care to share…TwitterFacebookEmail